Puberty is a tough time for young men. Hormones tend to go wild and all sorts of changes occur. Unfortunately, not all these changes are pleasant.  Here are some good teenage skin care tips.

Teenage boys have a slightly tougher skin and puberty is no exception. While it can be tamed down, it can also be controlled and resolved. Here are some quick tips you can follow.

Treat acne

As you grow older, the enzymes in your body tend to start making your skin more oily. Acne usually arises from this condition. Your body produces more oil and once the acids break down your skin, it makes for an environment for blackheads and pimples. To keep acne in check, start taking some acne medication as soon as you start noticing blackheads and pimples. Apply a lotion with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, suggest experts.


A good exfoliate can help reduce inflammation. The dead skin cells can be removed by scrubbing your face. “Don’t scrub your skin with a hard scrub or sugar. This can further break your skin and make it look older than it really is,” said Fatima Pawar, Co-Founder of Maybelline New York. In fact, a scrub once a week is good. Once you remove the dead skin cells, the new skin cells grow and the skin stays soft. You can also use a mild exfoliant to exfoliate your face. A gentle scrub can be enough. You can use a dry face cloth and scrub your face. Wash your face after that.


If your skin tends to look a little dry during summer, it’s a good idea to moisturize. Go for a body lotion instead of a face moisturizer, suggest experts. Also, a facial cleanser infused with glycolic or lactic acid can help your skin become brighter and healthier.


While exfoliating your face might be a little rough, this is a good habit to have. Scrub your face gently with a scrub made of glycerin and a body scrub with a mixture of cream and salt. A scrub once a week is enough to keep your skin exfoliated.


Make sure you wear the right moisturizer. A face moisturizer rich in moisturizing ingredients will help your skin to stay smooth and will not clog your pores. It is better to use a water-based moisturizer and keep a moisturizer handy for days when you can’t bear the heat. For more moist and hydrating skin, apply a face cream.