8 Effective Skin Care Tips For Teenagers

Are you at the brink of your teens? It’s no surprise that acne breakouts and pimples have come knocking at your door. But you need not worry! Even though acne affects 9 out of 10 teenagers, it can be treated quickly because teen skin is resilient.

To save you the hassle, we bring you all the details about teen skin and tell you simple yet effective ways to take care of your teenage skin. Let’s begin with understanding your skin.

A teenage face is characterised by thick, heavily oily skin and skin tone that ranges from fair to darker skin.

Why are teenage skins so challenging?

A. The air is so much more acidic

B. The oily and pimple-causing sebum glands are actually at their peak in this phase

C. Our hormones also change during puberty.

If you do not take care of your skin, then the following are the symptoms of acne that you need to watch out for.

1. Severe breakout

A breakout has bright red rashes and a bumpy or raised and puffy skin. A pore under the skin will be swollen.

2. Deep, painful pimples

A pimple can appear white or black in colour with a small, swollen, red lump underneath.

3. Rash

A pimple can cause a red and itchy, raised rash that does not go away.

How to treat acne scars?

1. Minimize the ingredients in your skin care regime

The cause of acne and blemishes is often not known. When you begin acne treatment and forget to take care of your skin after the initial treatment, you are sure to worsen the problem.

So if you are using a moisturizer, make sure it does not contain moisturizing or treatment ingredients. Avoid toners with anti-acne ingredients. Also, avoid overnight face masks.

2. Forgo facial cleansers

Don’t cleanse your skin with harsh and irritating cleansers like bar soaps.

3. Hydrate your skin with moisturizers

Drink lots of water to improve skin hydration. Moisturize your skin with non-comedogenic moisturizers that do not clog pores.

4. Prevent pimples with masks

These are a potent source of salicylic acid that helps in preventing pimples. Make sure you cleanse your skin and hydrate it with an acne-fighting skin care mask twice a week.

5. Prevent blackheads with salicylic acid

Blackheads tend to form only when your skin is dehydrated, hence make sure you hydrate your skin as well as apply an acne-fighting sunscreen daily.

6. Remember to treat your skin after shampooing

To eliminate any excess oil from your hair, apply a hair oil before shampooing. For the same reason, you should use an anti-acne cleanser only after shampooing. If your acne is too much, then reduce the number of cleansers you use and only use salicylic acid-based products on your skin.

7. Avoid aseptic creams

Avoid applying aseptic cream only to treat acne marks and make sure you also treat acne on your back, legs and chest.

What to avoid during menstruation?

A. Steer clear of pimple-causing products

B. Apply moisturizers before and after bleeding

C. Stay away from over-washing

D. Avoid retinoid creams and make-up

8. Wear sunscreen and a low SPF daily

Maintain a consistent daily skin care regime. At least a week before your period, be very careful about your skin. For the same duration, avoid make-up and sun exposure.

If you are still not convinced, take this as a cue to step out of your adolescence and embrace a healthy and glowing skin. Let’s get started!

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